Titi Karir: PT. Bintang Wistar Kencana - High School (SMA) Job Vacancies September 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

PT. Bintang Wistar Kencana - High School (SMA) Job Vacancies September 2014

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru - PT. Bintang Wistar Kencana established in April 3, 2003 and started business as an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing). PT. Wistar Star Kencana is a company engaged in power trading and OEM product, distribution, export, repacking, daily delivery, and service center. PT. Wistar Kencana Star is committed to protecting the quality of the products that can provide international standard products to customers. Apart from that, PT. Wistar Star Kencana also committed to continuously improving the performance and quality effectively and efficiently to satisfy the customers' needs. 

PT. Bintang Wistar Kencana also have a department service center that handles all technical issues or repair the damage of all power products. Now PT. Wistar Kencana star career opportunities for you to position : 


  1. Men.
  2. Minimum high school education.
  3. Having SIM A and C.
  4. Experience in the same field (in the sale).
  5. Willing to work outside the city.
  6. Understanding engineering. 

Close Date : 26 September 2014 

NB * Only candidates who meet the requirements will be invited for interview. 

Send your CV or complete an application with the latest 3x4 photo size (color), the salary you want. Included in the position applied on the subject proposal envelope / email to hrd@bintangwistar.com or :

PT. Bintang Wistar Kencana - High School (SMA) Job Vacancies September 2014
PT. Bintang Wistar Kencana
HR Departement 
PT. Bintang Wistar Kencana 
Jl. Agung Timur X Blok N2 No 19 
Sunter Agung Podomoro Jakarta 14350 - Indonesia
Telepon : (+6221) 6506589 / (+6221) 6506575

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